Good evening co-sitters !
Recently many organizational contre-pieds obstructed me from working in the wished concentrated way.
I even had to neglect proper communication with you ...
So i think it's necessary to update all of us about what will go on and when with SWTB.
As you know I plan to conclude my research in the second week of February, 10 - 16 / 2 / 2014.
My idea was to produce until then 24 hours of test material.
In the one-on-one sessions, which we are doing right now, next week and beginning of December, we would discover who will do what during that day. It is not the idea that we all spend 24 hours together, but that we are present and participate in overlapping shifts. A polyphony of individual practice lines (or modules).
By midst of December I’ll compose a schedule of lines/modules.
From 10 to 14 February we will use the days to refresh our practices/material.
The 15th of February I actually plan to try-out the coming in and out of people doing their 'things'.
Renée Copraij is planned come that day to Brussels to coach us.
The 16th in the afternoon, the 24 hour test would start and things would just run during one whole day ...
Whether there will be enough stuff to fill 24 hours is meanwhile not so clear any more.
This has to do with a few works that take much more of my time than I expected.
However, it would be great if you could somehow stay stand-by during this week in February.
Charlotte Bouckaert will be filming the 15th as well as 16th of February for montage. This movie will accompany my application to the VG/dans (due 1st of march).
In case the 24 hours turn out to be too ambitious, we can opt for only filming bits and pieces of material during two days.
I am looking very much forward to the coming one-on-one's,
See and sit with you very soon!